You are on a project. Doesn’t matter what it is from typing a resume, typing your school report, writing your book, or  creating that life changing presentation. Windows 10 knows but really could care less. Windows 10 will take over, force updates down your throat, and reset on that a$%. Crazy thing though is that once the process has begun, there isn’t much you can do about it except wait. You may have to wait a good while too depending on the circumstances like the speed of your device and the size of the update.

So if you have not saved what you were doing you are pretty much:

It doesn’t look like Microsoft plans to fix this anytime soon and really quite frankly it isn’t really a bug or issue. It’s Windows Update probably making sure your computer is secure. The events that happen due to forced updating though are real unfortunate though. As for these events. Let’s take a look at them, shall we?

As you can see, this has become a real problem for people. But you can avoid this from happening to you. The last tweet may make you skeptical but unless you want this to happen to you maybe you should read on.

Take Control of Windows 10 Updates

To start off in order:

1. Click the Start Button
2. Then Click Settings
3. Click on Update & Security
4. Make sure to select Windows Update
Once selected you will see a window like this  ⇒

In the window, you will see the options related to Windows Update. You can do a manual update by clicking Check for updates. You can check your update history. You can also change when Windows will be allowed to perform updates. You do this by clicking Change active hours under the Update setting heading.

5. Once you click Change active hours you will see a pop-up of sorts with a description of the option. Basically you just tell Windows the hours you use your computer the most or when you do not want it to restart on you and perform updates. It looks like this  ⇒

Responses from Microsoft

I was curious if Microsoft ever responded to the myriad of complaints and found a a good number but most just seemed like programmed responses to me. So I will just show you one response that pretty much sums it all up.

Once a machine is upgraded to Windows 10, it will remain current through Windows Update for the supported lifetime of the device, with safety and security, productivity, and entertainment value over time. This is what we mean when we talk about delivering Windows as a service, and it is one of our core inspirations for Windows 10. We’ll keep listening to our customers, improving the experience month after month. Windows 10 is an operating system that will run on a range of devices — from Xbox to PCs, phones to tablets and tiny gadgets — all of which are connected and kept up-to-date by Windows Update. Both enterprises and consumers benefit. The optimum way to ensure our customers are running the best Windows is to get them the latest updates for Windows 10. Delivering Windows 10 as a service means we can offer ongoing security updates, new features and capabilities – we’d like to make sure people can get access to the latest Windows 10 updates as soon as they are available.

So like I mentioned earlier it is not a bug at all but just a feature I guess. Windows Update has always been around so it is just something everyone should be familiar with. The forced updating though is a bit more aggressive than it has been in the past. I have seen people consider switching to Mac over this but it really is a none issue. I am not trying to minimize the scenarios of people losing sensitive data over the updates. What I am saying is that once it happens you should then take action to avoid it from happening again. Google now a days is the tool to use when you have a question you need answers for. There are numerous rantings and complaints about this which get into taking people’s choice away and performing updates while people are asleep but truth is someone will always find an issue with it no matter what approach is taken. Do nothing and Windows is continually labeled as the less secure system giving Apple OS the praises. Now that Windows is moving into a more secure place now people want to complain.

The forced updating of Windows may have been a small miss step but a solution has been offered for  it. You just have to research, google it, Yahoo It, and Bing It. Or you can just visit Ninja’s site and ask…   😉