About admin
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that admin contributed 28 entries already.
Entries by admin
You like using Chrome cause Internet explorer just sucked to you right and while you are filling in a form to register your info to that cool social media website and you make a mistake. You hit the backspace key and for some reason the browser goes back to a previous page. You are […]
Windows 10 – Getting the white out.
Windows 10 Inside Out Written by the award-winning team that created the best-seller Windows 7 Inside Out, it digs deep to explain not just how new features work, but why they work that way. The authors are backed by world-class technical editors and inside sources at Microsoft to make sure their information is accurate and […]
Microsoft’s Windows 10 launches on July 29th
I’m moving along doing my techno geek thang and what do you know, I notice a little icon on the bottom of my screen. So Microsoft has announced that Windows 10 is coming on July 29th, and I don’t even need to get out of your chair to get a spot […]